

Junior Honors English: The Great Gatsby: read novel, writing marginal notes analyzing Fitzgerald's message/critiqe of the "American Dream"

Senior College Prep English: Raisin in the Sun essay due Tuesday, March 29th.

Monday, March 28, 2011

The Perversion of the American Dream

Background: The American Dream, a recurring theme in American literature, was established in early colonial writings, later explored by philosophers like Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin, and finally mythologized by writers like Walt Whitman and Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Yet, the twentieth century, with its World Wars, financial recessions and depressions, and multiple genocides, ushered in an unprecedented cultural cynicism that questioned the idealism and optimism present in the original American dream, ultimately perverting and changing it.


1. Write about dreams or wishes that you once had that you now think are unrealistic or foolish. (At least 4 sentences.)

2. Why do you think those dream are unrealistic now? In your response, consider what lessons, experiences, and people have diminished your original idealism or optimism? Explain. (At least 5 sentences.)

3. Read other responses to question 1 and 2. Write a paragraph that considers the similarities and differences between students' various responses. Describe any common lessons, experiences, or people that have been a discouraging influence to initial dreams. Are there any trends apparent? Explain. (At least 5 sentences.)


Anonymous said...

When I was little I wanted to be the president, the princess of Enlgland, and in the Chinese army like Mulan did. I wanted to be exactly like the Disney princesses and at any chance I could get I would pretend to be them. Most of my dreams when I was little was completly Disney based.

Sam said...

1)Wow, I can’t believe the stuff I wanted to be when I was little lol. I wanted to be an archiologist who went to Hogwarts. I also wanted to be an Animorph and I wanted to be in the Kids Next Door, with powers like flying or something. When Avatar: The Last Airbender came out I wanted to bend water or air. I also wanted to be Sly Cooper, or a ninja. I also wanted to be able to speak a lot of languages, including Spanish, French, Japanese, Swahili, Hebrew, Italian, Russian, and Swedish.

Unknown said...

1.When i was little i always wanted to grow up and become catwoman.My dream was to fight crime in spandex.However, another dream of mine was to buy a huge ranch in California and breed ring-tailed lemurs.

Ian said...

Ok, first and for most i wanted to be a cowboy, not the racncher type, like the old western sheriff who would capture criminals. That was a phase that lasted a good year. Then i really wanted to be hercules, because who wouldn't want to be the son of zeus? For awhile i also thought that i could flip pizzas at a pizzeria, pizza was my favorite food. Um, i also wanted to be tommy, the red ranger from power rangers. My final dream is that more than anything i wanted to be otto from rocket power. He was literally the most talented kid on the planet, he could surf, skate, snowboard and play hockey better than anybody, and his dad owned the best resturant on the beach.

Ryan said...

1. When I was younger I had a dream of being in the MLB. I saw myself playing third base for the Philadelphia Phillies and being a millionaire. I imagined myself living in a mansion and being famous. I dreamt of hitting homeruns and signing autographs for little kids. I wanted to be a role model and have kids look up to me with awe. My millions would have bought me not only a mansion but a plethora of cars and and other fun "toys".

Stefi said...

Some dreams I had when I was a kid was to grow up and become very rich and have the nicest things. I always dreamed of living in a really big mansion and having so many nice things in my house. I also wanted a black Lamborghini with purple rims, all black tint, a nice radio system with subs, and butterfly doors. I always wanted to grow up and have the most expensive and nice things. I never actually sat down and thought about how I would get the money to afford all of these things and these dreams are very unrealistic.

2. My dreams are unrealistic for many reasons. Although I plan on going to college and becoming successful, the economy right now is very bad. I plan on going to college and going into the forensics field. Even though I may end up making a lot of money, I realize that I have other priorities in my life. I want to have kids and get married along with a nice house and a car but, understand that it doesn't have to be the best and most expensive things. I want what's best for me and my family. My dad helped me realize that you have to have your priorities set and that the little things in life actually ean the most and are the most important.

Steph said...

When I was little, I had a lot of dreams. I always wanted to be a princess and be able to have that happily ever after ending. I also wanted to be able to talk to bees. Since I was six, I've always wanted to be a vet for exotic animals. I wanted to travel the world and I wanted everyone to know my name and tell me who I was. I use to think that I would be able to go to Hogwarts and become a wizard. I also wanted to be able to bend the elements like in Avatar the last airbender. I realize now that a lot of my dreams were pretty ridiculous and unrealistic.

Unknown said...

1. When I was little I was boring and way too realistic and I didn't ever want to be anything too outlandish or exciting when I grew up. I think in kindergarten I wanted to build a bakery out of rainbow bricks and sell rainbow cakes topped with rainbow sprinkles, then I wanted to be in some kind of obnoxious 90's pop band because they were all just sooooooooo cool.
Possibly to be continued, I don't know if I'm done or not haha.

Anonymous said...

Well these dream are very unrealistic because I pretty sure your not allowed to do all those jobs at once...legaly. Im not completly british soooo can't really be on the thrown. And the chinese are pretty stricked about who is alowed in the country or in the army. And I dont want to be president anymore because the world is a mess and that would be the worst job ever!

Unknown said...

When I was 5 I wanted to be a princess and have my own country. When I was 7 I wanted to be the most powerful wizard in the whole word. When I was 9 I wanted to be a professional skateboarder. When I was 10 I wanted to be a Ninja and save the world from evil. When I was 12 I wanted to be the most powerful person in the world, I wanted to control the world and rule it. When 14 I wanted to be an undercover astronot that was trained in marshal arts. Now I realize these dreams are a tad rediculous but when I look back I see that all I wanted in my life was to be powerful, which could still happen. When I was little I really wanted all the attention on me.

Sam said...

(Sorry, it said it sent but then it said it didn't. I'm sending it again, just in case).
Wow, I can’t believe the stuff I wanted to be when I was little lol. I wanted to be an archiologist who went to Hogwarts. I also wanted to be an Animorph and I wanted to be in the Kids Next Door, with powers like flying or something. When Avatar: The Last Airbender came out I wanted to bend water or air. I also wanted to be Sly Cooper, or a ninja. I also wanted to be able to speak a lot of languages, including Spanish, French, Japanese, Swahili, Hebrew, Italian, Russian, and Swedish.

Sam said...

Most of the dreams I had as a kid are completely unrealistic. Being able to morph into any animal I touch or going to Hogwarts are some, and the reason why I wanted to was because of the Harry Potter and Animorph seires. I wanted to be in the KND because of the tv seiries, and obviously a water bender because of the Avatar tv seiries. I wanted to be Sly Cooper because of the Sly Cooper video games. I don’t really know how I came up with the idea of being a ninja, but when I was little I always wanted to be something like it, like a samurai. Speaking like 20 languages obviously wouldn’t work out, because they’re all so different. I just kind of lost interest in archiology, but it wasn’t something that was so outragous that I felt I couldn’t do it.

Rebecca Ruoff said...

1. When I was younger I loved the movie Agent Cody Banks and wanted to be a teenage spy just like Cody. I used to spy on my brother and his friends in a hide out that I made writing down everything they would talk about. I also wanted to be Mary-Jane in Spiderman because I thought it would be really cool to be the girlfriend of a superhero. Also I wanted to be a princess that lived in a castle and saved the world.

Kevin said...

I wanted to be always wanted to be a super hero with the power to have all the powers ever.In my dreams I wanted to be a baseball, football, and hockey player all at the same time.I also wanted to be a ninja or a jedi and just used the force for anything I need to do.I always wanted to travel the world as soon as I got out of school .

Aislinn said...

1. When I was little I wanted to be many many things. It usually changed from week to week. One week I wanted to be a cat, one week I wanted to be pro mountain biker, sometime si wanted to be a jockey (the kind that rides horses), and I'm pretty sure at one point, my biggest aspirtation was to be blonde haired with blue eyes (at that age I had not yet realized that such things do not mix well with being very Asian). I think I wanted to be a jockey the most though. My one cousin, Conner, grew up on a horse farm so whenever I went to see family, which was quite a bit, I always got to go riding. I loved horses and all that stuff. But my dad never really wanted to get me proper lessons, despite my constant begging for them. So that ended up discouraging me quite a bit. Plus, mostly jockeys are men so my chances at making it would have been slim anyway. And then after that I wanted to be a ballerina. I had been taking lessons since about 4 or 5 and up until 8th grade I was really into it when I decided I'd rather have a life.

Unknown said...

1. When I was little I wanted to grow up to be a dog. I am serious. I used to walk around the house on my hands and knees and bark. I never actually bit anyone, though. A few years later, the dog dream graduated to the veterinarian dream.

2. The dog dream was totally unrea;istic for obvious reasons. I realized when I actually got a puppy that being a dog must be incredibly annoying. The veterinarian dream isn't unrealistic, but it is for me. I am totally bad at science and would never be able to work with sick animals. I would probably cry everyday, especially when I euthanized something. These dreams are still embarassing. In second grade at Haviland me and a certain group of friends would run around at recess pretending we were wolves (dogs), while everyone else played something cool like Jailbreak or Harry Potter. Just thinking about those days makes me embarassed.

Amelia said...

1 Around age 7 I'm pretty sure I wanted to be a pokemon trainer or own a pet dinosaur. They are unrealistic for obvious reasons. Mainly being that neither exist , never did or don't anymore. I'm also pretty sure that at one point in my childhood I wanted to be a member of the teenage mutant ninja turtles.

2 Well for those specific dreams it's pretty obvious why I think they are unrealistic now. But for the general idealism and optimism of childhood I think the main change is the loss of assumed realities. Things like " you can be anything you want" and " true love conquers all". You never questioned these ideas, like if in a book or movie the power of love saved the protangonist, you never questioned it, you just thought "oh of course". Then even though you didn't necessarily believe in these "Disney" ideals anymore, you just realize oh duh that's not how it works, just because I really want to be an astronaut or president doesn't mean I can be. A specific person who diminished my optimism is probably Mr. Francis because he can be very depressing with his rants about neverending debt.

Becca Rosetti said...

As a young aspiring child I’ve wanted to be a gold medalist olympic gymnast. I’ve wanted to become a sort of assassin-ninja who killed mobsters. When I was really young I’ve wanted to be a person with powers who could shoot out balls of energy like the Dragon ball Z characters. I’ve wanted to be a psychiatrist, a song writer, and a cartoon artist. My most recent dream was to become a fashion designer.

Rebecca Ruoff said...

2. I now think that my dreams are unrealistic because kids cannot be spies. Also super heroes do not exist therefore it would be impossible to be the girlfriend of one. Finally being a princess is pretty much impossible to be, but hey maybe I will be the 1 out of 1000000000000 people that becomes one and “saves the world.” I have learned these things as I have grown up because as I get older I realize that reality is nothing like the dreams I dreamt when I was little mainly becuase they are impossible to achieve.

Rebecca Ruoff said...

Continuation to 2...

I don't dream to be a spy anymore because I am not a very sly/sneaky person therefore the people that I were spying on would probably catch me and kill me.

Amelia said...

3 There's a prominent trend with impossible dreams. This trait is very American, fantasy fairytales are commonly American. Like when The Wizard of Oz came out and all the disney princess movies. This is pretty American vs say, the Soviet Union whose optimistic literature and movies involved suceeding in their jobs and working hard for no reward except satisfaction with yourself. I'd say a trend in discouraging people are people who are un-patriotic. They put down anything and everything by/ about America.

Aislinn said...

2. I think my past expectations for my future are ridiculous mainly because well, no one, except for the awesome people in Harry Potter (I wanted to be part of that book series too) can turn into animals, so being a cat is kind of impossible. I also think being a pro mountain biker would have fallen through, mostly because I hated it but wanted to do it because of my dad. And being a jockey wouldn't really have worked because I'm not a guy. Yeah, sure I'm perfect sized and I like to think I was fairly good at riding said horses, but I'm not a guy soo... Anyway. And I learned the hard way that being blonde with my complexion just doesn't look right when I dyed my hair blonde in ninth grade. It was just bad. And I could have been a ballerina, but that would have sucked.
I don't really want to point fingers but I pretty much blame my parents for the discouragement of anything I could have actually succeeded in.

Amelia said...

#3 revised "optimistic" Soviet union literature, it wasn't optimistic and dreamy, it was stark and realistic and nothing at all like Disney.

Becca Rosetti said...

2. Too become an Olympic gymnast, you need to be really really good at gymnastics. I came to realize it was an extremely hard goal to accomplish and also very expensive. Becoming an assassin obviously is not realistic in this day and age and so are the Dragon Ball Z powers. Song writers and cartoon artist have way more patience than me, and not too many become part of the very few who are extremely successful off of it. Fashion designer is actually one of my future goals which I’ll presume after I go to college to be a pharmacist and Ill have enough money to do it. Parents take a huge role into telling us what profession is “reasonable, successful, and livable”.

Unknown said...

3. I noticed that most people wanted to be either a super hero or a famous athlete. There were also many who wanted to be anime characters and princesses. There as hardly anyone who deviated from the norm. The main theme is notoriety, saving people, and having super powers. I guess it's a relief that nobody said they wanted to be someone evil like Mojo Jojo from the Powerpuff girls, or someone mean like Angelica from Rugrats. It shows that however bratty they may be, little kids are relatively kind souls.

Ok this is random but I just remembered that at one time I really wanted to be a ShopRite cashier because they sold Beanie Babies.

Sam said...

3. There's an obvious trend with outragous and physically impossible dreams. There was a lot of wanting to be an animal or somebody else, and a lot of dreams of being this big huge person in the world. A lot of people wanted to be famous athletes, cartoon characters, or superheroes. Many got their inspiration from television, video games, or books. A lot of the guys wanted to be superheroes or athletes, and even a lot of the girls wanted to be superheroes. A lot more girls then guys wanted to be an animal or cartoon/video game character. 90% of peoples dreams were given up because they made no sense or they lost interest. Some people felt that they just couldn't achieve it, but most dreams were the impossible kind and were given up after the child fantasy phase.

Anonymous said...

1. I don't really remember all of my childhood dreams. The only one I really remember is wanting to be a rockstar. I wanted to be in a band and sing in front of millions of people. I wanted to be in that whole punk rock scene because in the 90's I was all into those kinds of bands and I wanted to be like that.

2. It's not completley unrealistic, but I wouldn't want that to be my career. It would be somthing I'd enjoy doing, but not stable enough. If I had a family of my own, I wouldn't be able to see them everyday becasue of touring and committing alot of time into a band. I have been in little bands before, but it's too much work and time, and nothing really happened. The closest I've been to singing to millions of people is at the Phillies game with the ensemble, so I'd say I'm satisfied with where I'm at with my childhood dream.

3. I see that many people wanted to be a superhero or a famous athlete. Nobody really wanted to be the bad guy, we all wanted to be heroes.

Anonymous said...

Growing up with a house full of boys I always wanted be an army gerneral. I wanted to be in control like they were when we played boot camp. I also wanted to be a lion considering that i loved the lion king so i would always play in the car and lower the front seat all the way back and preend it was a cliff and fall offf like they did i was a dramatic child. Last i wanted to be an explorer and find a treasure somewere like dig it up in the back yard or something cause i wanted to find something and take credit for it.

Anonymous said...

2. These dreams are unrealistic now because of the fact that now i cant really find any treasure because i dont like to go outside and dig in the dirt for hours, and i deffinetly dont have the patience. And as for being a lion well i dont think i can change species anytime soon, or grow a tail. The dream of being an army general could be possible but i have no interest in it any longer and i dont really like to yell at people like they have to.

meghan said...

1. Fun facts about Meghan Slattery: I always dreamed of growing up and playing soccer professionally. I wanted to live on a farm with a large sum of cats and or bunny rabbits. It was a reoccurring dream of mine to get as far away as possible from my two older brothers who tortured me every chance they got. And the last and certainly the most embarrassing dream of mine was to be a boy.
2. I have come to realize now that all of these dreams i had were and still are unrealistic. I had and have no chance of making it professionally in soccer due to lack of skills. Living on a farm with all those cats and rabbits would be way too smelly. I don’t think I will ever escape the wrath of my brothers. And obviously being a boy just isn’t in the cards for me.

Anonymous said...

3. The pattern here is that as kids we all wanted to be things or people we saw on tv or in the movies. As we grew older though and grabed a hold of the real world we realized that these are just dreams which most americans do. We realized that these dreams eventually changed or that they were just inachievable.

george said...

When i was younger i dreamed of being batman because he was my favorite superhero.Then i wanted o be darth vader because i was really into star wars and still am.I also dreamed about being a pro baseball player and breaking babe ruth's home run record.
Lastly, i always wanted to be a rockstar in one of my favorite bands.

george said...

Now that i look back on my childhood dreams , i realize how unrealistic they actually were. Nobody has superpowers or is a jedi, and is it extremely hard to be a professional athlete or musician.Losing childhood dreams is just a part of growing up and realizing that our dreams are from a made up world.It's not really someone influencing you to give up on them , you just inherently know those dreams are foolish.

george said...

After looking at others , it appears we all wanted to be characters from our favorite movies or shows as most children do. All dreams weren't the same becuse we are individuals that take interests in different things.
We all realized that our dreams were not attainable in the real world and put them aside for newer and more realistic dreams.

Unknown said...

2 The dreams we dreamed as children are quite unrealistic. I can’t be a princess because no one in my family is royalty and you cannot just be elected princess. I also can’t be a wizard because of the fact that magic doesn’t exist. There is no way for me to be a professional skateboarder because I have not talent when it comes to skateboarding. It is very obvious that the dreams I dreamt as a youngen will not be able to come true. Those dreams were very unrealistic but dreams are important for kids so they try there hardest even though they may not ever accomplish what they dream to accomplish.

Unknown said...

3 The similarities in all our dreams are that they are all so out of the box. When we were little we truly believed we could be anything and this thought is very American. America promotes the thinking that you can do anything that you want to with your life. The dreams of American children are much different from the dreams you would get if you asked a child in another country what they wanted to be when they grow up. Some people say that the children from other countries have a better grasp on reality then American children but as a child your not supposed to have a grip on reality you’re supposed to be able to dream of anything and believe it will come true and these dreams from these students prove that American children do dream of big and great dreams.

Aislinn said...

3. One main thing I noticed that everyone had in common is that AT LEAST one of their childhood dreams was either impossible or INCREDIBLY unrealistic. Also, a lot of them seem to be inspired by heroics or fame, or by way of some sort of pop icon.

Cara Garcia said...

When i was younger i wanted to fly. I also wanted to invent something cool and make a lot of money. Flying seemed so fun and made traveling faster. Inventing something would also be very popular and a lot of people would appreciate it and i would be famous.

Today now i know flying is impossible. No one human can do it. Inventing something seems pretty hard now adays. There's not much too invent and thee's alot of other smarter people out there.

Similar dreams i see are that when we were kids everyone wanted to be someone they saw or heard on tv. They thought they were cool and you had to be like them. Differences are that everyone wanted to do something or be someone specifically different. They saw different traits they particularly liked which is why we are all different. American children have big hearts and big minds which leads us to crazy dreams when we were kids.

Unknown said...

2. I don't think what I wanted to do is particularly unrealistic except for the fact that first of all, a rainbow bakery would be annoying and only attract a very small demographic of very gay men. And probably the same reasons for being in a 90's pop group. Also it sort of isn't the 90's anymore.
Another reason its unrealistic to want to open a rainbow cakery it that the economy sucks right now.

3. A lot of similarities in other's responses is they wanted to be something dramatic. Princesses, superheroes, and secret agents are all larger-than-life. I think this is probably a result of the 'you can do anything!' complex that most kids grow up with. The American Dream says anything's possible, therefore, youngins believe so. Parents encourage their kids to think big, and to do something that will get their name known and bring respect to themselves, in a true 'American' fashion.

Anonymous said...

Most of the dreams were about the same, because they were mostly outragous and alittle crazy. There were not many atanable ones because many of them defied the laws of physics.

Stefi said...

I noticed a lot of variety in everyone's childhood dreams. Although they didn't have the same exact dream as mine, most people wanted to become princesses, characters from our favorite childhood movies and/or shows or leaders of the world. The main similarity is that everyone had dreams that were completely unrealistic and were very foolish. Also, most of us wanted to accomplish these dreams as a child without actually thinking about how it would happen or even the possibility of it happening. We didn't actually grasp the full concept or understand the true reality of our dreams. The dreams in themselves were very different besides the common princess and leaders of the world ones. But, I think we can all say that we have had some unrealistic childhood dreams that will never come true.

Ryan said...

2. I now realize my dreams are rather unrealistic. This is unrealistic because I injured my throwing shoulder. I simply do not have the arm to play in the big leagues any longer. Having millions of dollars is also hard to come by. I may still be able to become a millionaire but not due to baseball. If I ever have large amounts of money it will be from the lottery or working very hard for it.

Ryan said...

3. As children many of us wanted to be super heros or major athletes. This is because as a child we looked up to these kinds of people and wanted to be as famous and powerful as them. It is good for a child to have dreams such as these because it gives them something to strive for. If a child did not dream about some of these ridiculous things we would have no drive to succeed.

Rebecca Ruoff said...

3. When we students were little the sky was the limit for us. We dreamed to grow up and be everything we could possibly think of. Many people wanted to be cartoon characters, superheroes, or animals. Many people learned that their dreams were not possible to come true because they were dreams that were out of this world realizing that it would be impossible to transform into an animal or magically get super powers. The trend that takes place in all of our responses is that we all grew up and faced the reality of life.

Iago said...

1. When I was little I dreamed of being a princess like most other little girls. I wanted to be just like Cinderella because she was my favorite princess. I dreamed of living in a huge castle and being rich when I got older. I used to dress up my dolls like princesses and have tea parties with them in my room and pretend that my house was Cinderella's castle.

2.The dreams that i fantasized about when I was a child are very unrealistic. I think these dreams are unrealistic because I grew up and learned many lessons and experienced many things. One reason why I know that becoming a princess is unrealistic is because all real princesses are born into royalty. Through society I have learned that in order to be a princess your mother and father or some family memeber must be king or queen of a country. There is no way that an ordinary citizen like me could become a princess that lives in a huge castle like Cinderella because you can't be elected princess you are just born that way.

3. After reading the many other responses to questions 1 and 2 I found that many of us wanted to be a character from some kind of movie or television show that we have seen before. Many of us thought that we could pretty much be anything in the world that we imagined of which we all then came to find that we couldn't really be those crazy things. An experience that we all went through to realize that we couldn't really be what we dreamed of during our childhood was growing up. Each of us realized as we got older that our childhood dreams were very unrealistic because they weren't dreams that anyone could actually accomplish most of them were fictional.

Julia said...

1. When I was younger I had many dreams. I always have been really passionate about food, and still am. I used to want to be a chef and host my own cooking show on t.v. I REALLY wanted to be a hair dresser for some reason. I suck at doing hair though, I can't even braid. I would always spy with Kathryn Strasle, we had walkie-talkies and everything. So I guess you could say I wanted to be a spy also.
2. My dreams are pretty unrealistic. I realized I can't really cook, so I would be a terrible chef. I can't really do hair, so I wouldn't make that great of a hairdresser either. Lastly, I can't be a spy because I don't have the skills to do that. As I aged, I realized that I couldn't really do any of these things because it was just obvious, not that people discouraged me.

Julia said...

3. Some similarities that I noticed were that people wanted to become rich and famous, be super heroes, or have a lot of power. A lot of people also wanted to do more realistic jobs, but then realized it wasn't the correct path for them. Maybe soome people still have the same dream and will be able to accomplish it in their later life.

Unknown said...

1.When I was little I always changed my mind about what I wanted to be. One day I wanted to be a teacher and the next day I wanted to be a doctor but the only thing I knew was that I wanted to be rich. I used to drive by houses down the shore that are bigger then my normal house and say, that will be me one day when I’m a millionaire. Every time I saw a Disney movie I wanted to be a princess and live in a castle. I also remember wanting to be a waitress.

2.I realized that some of my dreams were unrealistic because there is no way you can be all of those things in one lifetime, it’s not possible. My dreams were never crazy because I never wanted to be something to dangerous but still being a millionaire is pretty hard. Being a princess is obviously unrealistic because I would either have to be born into royalty or marry a prince and obviously neither one of those things happened. I mostly just wanted to have a job when I get older and I still think that’s possible.

3.Most students just wanted to be powerful and do what they love, nobody really thought about having a family and a house and all that. Most people’s dreams were based on what they were seeing on TV or in movies which is all made up anyway. Obviously nobody dreams of being poor when they get older, and some people just dream of being happy with whatever they have, and others being a millionaire. Most of us realized that not all of those dreams can come true, but we still shouldn’t let go of all of them. Just because we can’t accomplish every single one of them doesn’t mean we should give up on all of our dreams. Obviously we won’t all grow up to rule the world, but we can still be important and make a living for ourselves.

Zack said...

1) When I was little I wanted to be many things. I wanted to be a nascar driver and be a marine. I know realize this is stupid and foolish because you cannot be both. Also you cannot drive race cars if you are in boot camp or in another country.

Zack said...

2) These dreams are unbelievebly foolish because you cannot be both. It is impossible to fight wars while driving a race car. They both require to be dedicated and you cannot be dedicated to both. As i see the news on wars across the country and how long the soldiers are gone, I realized that you cannot drive a race car every Sunday also. Having both dreams are physically impossible

Zack said...

All of our dreams and or wishes are completely ridiculous. We all wanted to be one thing and also be another. When is reality these dreams or wishes are impossible. Our dreams and wishes varied a lot but carry the same concept as we wanted to be multiple things. We all grew older and realized that our dreams were completely ridiculous.

Brittanee said...

1.) When i was younger i wanted to be just like cinderella. It was a dream that almost every little girl wanted. I wanted to be a princess and live happy ever after just like the story said. I ran around in fake glass slippers and the cinderella dress. And if i couldnt be that i wanted to be a doctor, but i would have rather been a princess.

2.)Now that I grown up i realize that being a princess is next to impossible. Happy ever after is not unachievable. THings cannot be perfect and i relaize that being a princess is not going to happen. The way the world is today requires that you make money and it is neccessary to get a good degree in college. Im pretty sure there is no major for princesses so thats not likley.Even though it seemed perfect back then i now know that being a princess is unrealistic.

3.)When we were all younger there were many similar dreams. Almost all of the girls wanted to be princesses and have alot of money. Almost everyone mentioned wanting to have alot of money, and all wanted to be things that we all know now are unrealistic. When we all grew up we began to realize that we had to follow dreams that we could acheive and dreams that went along with the world today. For example Kids that wanted to be president now see how corrupt politics are now. We all are starting to realize that although these dreams all seemed possible, we cannot really be the things we once wanted.

Maria said...

When I was a little girl, I dreamed of becoming a famous singer. I wanted to be a solo artist that could write my own music, play it on guitar and sing. I wanted people to watch me on stage, and have all my cd's sold out. I also wanted to live in a huge mansion with a big backyard and an inground pool. Then when American Idol first came out, I dreamed of going on the show and becoming the next American Idol.

While these dreams aren't unrealistic for some people, I've realized that they are unrealistic for me personally. I know now that the chances of winning a talent show, such as American Idol, are very slim. Even with talent, there is always going to be someone with a better voice or more training than I have. Watching my favorite contestants on American Idol being eliminated from the competition shows that there are many people trying to accomplish the same goal but there can only be one winner. I also realized that as a child, I can't just wish my family into having more money and a bigger house. It's just impossible to wish for such things.

Alot of people want to be like someone they know or have seen on a television show or movie. That's why some children have the dream of becoming famous or being an actress. I think when our brains mature we know what is and what is not accomplishable in our lives. Kids realize when they mature that they can't accomplish all things that they want in life. Sometimes people that the child looks up to will say something that will leave an impact on them and make them realize that their dreams are pipe dreams.

Unknown said...

1. When I was little I wanted to grow up to be rich with everything I wanted without working or doing anything for it. I wanted to live in a mansion with my family which would consist of four kids, two boys and two girls, and my husband would be rich. That was obviously foolish because that wouldn’t happen. I also wanted to be a professional cheerleader and a second grade teacher.
2. My dream to grow up to be rich with everything I wanted became unrealistic really fast because I knew I’d have to work to be wealthy considering it’s almost impossible not to work for what you want; unless of course you’re born into a really rich family which I wasn’t. That dream was diminished when teachers and my mom would tell me that money doesn’t grow on trees and you have to do things in order to get what you want. My dream to be a professional cheerleader became unrealistic because there’s really no such thing, unless you cheer for like the Eagles or a professional football team which isn’t really competitive cheerleading. I could still be a second grade teacher, but I don’t have patience for little kids and it wouldn’t be the job for me so that’s how that dream is diminished.
3. Mostly everyone had something to do with either being famous or rich. That seems to be a similar trend because when we were little, famous people stood out to us and being rich seemed like life was simple just like it was when we were kids. Also a lot of people wanted to be superheroes or animals which were probably influenced by television, magazines, or games. A lot of peoples dreams were diminished because they were either impossible or they realized the reality of them, meaning you can’t just wish to be rich and famous and it’ll happen. You have to work for what you really want.