

Junior Honors English: The Great Gatsby: read novel, writing marginal notes analyzing Fitzgerald's message/critiqe of the "American Dream"

Senior College Prep English: Raisin in the Sun essay due Tuesday, March 29th.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Best Movies

I have enjoyed the conversations we have had thus far; many of you have made thought-provoking comments, provided clever insights, started interesting tangents, or have inserted humor. Bravo, keep it up!

Next topic: movies. They have the ability to move us, enlighten us, or simply humor us. Whatever the reason we watch them constantly, but we all have favorites. Access the follow sight which lists its top 100 movies of all time:


Do you agree with this list? Why or why not? What would your top 3 movies be of all time? Why? What do you love about movies? Do you prefer comedy, action, or thriller? Are movies better than books? In all cases? Explain.


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Anonymous said...

Goodfellas yo

Kimberly Rotter said...


Why Goodfellas? What is it about? Why do you like it?

Anonymous said...

i have a few favorite movies. my favorite OF ALL TIME, and people can make fun of me, but it's the Lion King. I just love that movie so much, because it has great music, and it has a great story.

Unknown said...

There ae many new movies comin out that i really want to see. Like Devil and case 29 and My soul to take.....im really into scary movies

Kimberly Rotter said...


I love the Lion King. Did you guys know it is based off of a Shakespearean play: Hamlet? Can anyone see the similarities?????

Kimberly Rotter said...


I love scary movies too, but are unfamiliar with the movies you mentioned. What are they about?

Unknown said...

Anonymous Lion King was my fav movie wen i was a kid and i will always love that movie, im a nerd lol

Anonymous said...

i did know that actually, but i just found that out. ive never seen hamlet though. but my other favorite movies are Tommy, Spirited away, and HELP!

Anonymous said...

TANSFORMERS! All of them! Best movie of all time!

Unknown said...

Finding Nemo is a great movie

Anonymous said...

I dont agree with this list at all. The movies are all old like i dont like watching movies in black and white. My top 3 movies are Step Brothers, The Boondock Saints 1 and 2, Old School. Step Brothers and Old School are two of the funniest movies i have every saw and The Boondock Saints is the sickest movie i have seen. I like comedy best of all the other groups. I like movies over books because i dont read.

Anonymous said...

yea those are good movies too. but the scary ones arent scary cuz

Kimberly Rotter said...

Anonymous, or anyone else for that matter,

Did you hear about the scandal involving the 2nd Transformers movie? The racist robots? Anyone know what I am talking about or can find out on the web???

Unknown said...

I like a lot of movies and go to see them in theaters usually and there are a lot of new movies coming out that I want to see too. And lion king was my favorite movie when I was really young.

Kimberly Rotter said...


I agree with the Boondock Saints. I love it! But was the 2nd good too? What was that one about?

eric gladstone said...

well i looked at that list and all of teh movies on there are pretty old even tho i may have seen or not seen them i do not like that list at all because all of the movies are old and just thinking about it is depressing. good old movies would be jason and michael myers the killers that i grew up watching. but i like new movies that are out now a days because the color is better every thing is more real and the effects are way better and its more real life and not so depressing. like the movie "killers" that i just saw two nights ago with ashton kutcher and some female that i forget her name it was very well and i think we should watch it in this class. or watch something like the boondock saints. because i see my self like them killing people when im out of high school bad people that is.

Kimberly Rotter said...

What are some movies you want to see in the movies?

Unknown said...

There was only like 3 good movies on the list like Forrest Gump, Rocky, and Back to the Future. My top three movies would be, Dazed and Confused, Thirteen, and Good Luck Chuck.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Scandal? Didnt hear about that but ill look it up.

Kimberly Rotter said...


So you see yourself as a cop you mean?? In regard to the movie Killer, what is it about? What is it rated? How can I rationalize showing you the movie in class?

Anonymous said...

I think people put way to much thought into movies now a days. What happened to watching a movie for the fun of it? I can't stand people who have to sit there and completly disect a movie for the morals and the meaning underlining it. It's a movie for Christ sake. Shut up, sit down, and just enjoy it.

rebecca said...

i skimmed down the list (i was anonymus but now not) and i didnt know a lot of the movies. but i didnt see the lion king :(

Anonymous said...

Yeah the second one was pretty good it had a little more humor in it then the first. It was about some little guy who was trying to bring them back to America again to kill the Saints. So he killed a priest to get them to come back. Its movie you have to see.

Anonymous said...

tha movie devil looks so dumb.

Unknown said...

There are some war movies i love too like saving private ryan and pearl haror those movies are intense!

Kimberly Rotter said...


Keep me posted if you can find it.


I love Rocky, actually 1-4. I would watch them before an athletic competition to get me pumped up. Dazed and confused is a classic. What is your favorite part?

Anonymous said...

But on another note and to stop ranting, a few of my favorite movies are 30 Days Of Night, all the Star Wars, Silence Of The Lambs, and basically any comedy.

rebecca said...

i forgot about rocky. my favorite's the 4th one

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

i argee wit you me berry

Eric Gladstone said...

killers it is rated R i belive. its action packed and ashton kutcher the main star in the movie is cia agent and destroys enemies of the united states and kicks there asses too. but im a soldier so i will be over seas some where killing dirtbags. and the movie isnt as bad as it seems its a love story too after tey get married and he lives a civilian life for 3 years his past comes back and he has to kill again which he doesnt want to do because he dropped all of that for his wife.. there is some comedy in the movie too.

Kimberly Rotter said...


You are right somwehat; some movies are not that serious and do not need to be seriously watched. Good movie directors, though, put alot of thought into the creation of the movie: lighting, scene direction, point of view...etc. That is some of the fun, analyzing it and seeing those choices and seeing how they contribute to the overall movie's message.

Unknown said...

Best part is when he says something about highschool girls and how he loves them because "I keep getting old but they stay the same age." Or when one of the girls says "Wipe that face off your head bitch."

Kimberly Rotter said...

I love Silence of the Lambs. Anthony Hopkins is brilliant in it.

Unknown said...

Alright anonymous thats your opinion but im sticking to mine

Anonymous said...

thats a sick thing to say eric.......

Unknown said...

Silence of the Lambs is a great movie!

Kimberly Rotter said...


Do you know where you might potentially be stationed?


Who said that? I know he is a famous actor now. I think it might have been his breakout role...

Unknown said...

I do not agree with the list that was given.
A list of my favorite movies would be: To Save a Life, this movie atcually became my favorite the second i saw it in theaters. The movie is about a teen boy names Roger who dosent feel like he belongs in the world anymore becuase of some of the things that are going on in his life. So roger takes fate into his own hands and ends his life, the Movie goes on about Jake the main character trying to figure out what he could of done and if he could have saved Roger. Roger the kid that ends his life believes that school was a place where he was never wanted and no one herd or saw his silent cry for what he wanted and needed. Jake trys to find why he never saw the sugn and to do this he must break all the bariers that high school create with popular adn lonners, cliques and non cliques to discover the answer to the real question of : What do i want my life to be about?
Another Movie that i like would be Push, it was a different kind of movie that really made you think about it.
Shutter Island was a really good movie that i really had to watch adn pay attention to. this movie had Leonardo DiCaprio in it. it was a movie about a detective that went to a insane insylm to fin a lost patient Rachel Solando. But he becomes to start questioning if he is loseing his own sanity while being at Ashecliffe Hospital.

rebecca said...

im not really into a lot of new movies. they havent been as good as they use to be.

Kimberly Rotter said...

It seems we can agree on as a group: Silence of the Lambs and Lion King. Anything else?

Side Comment: you guys made a great comment about the lack of cartoons on top lists. I can think of many great cartoon/animated movies that never get listed; it seems critics have biases toward them.

Anonymous said...

I like a different Genre of movies.

Unknown said...

Matthew McConaughey. He was great in that movie. My favorite guy in the whole movie.

Kimberly Rotter said...


Wow, those movies sound amazing. What are they rated?

Anonymous said...


Here is a link about the racist rotbot scandal and i think it is so stupid! Just cause of a gold tooth and some other crap! its all stupid...i feel that people are just trying to ruin the movie and they look for every reason! I guess they dont have lives!

Unknown said...

Top gun will always be one of my favorite movies!

Anonymous said...

That's not what i meant. I enjoy seeing a director's creativity come to life. It's the stupid people that sit there next to you in the movie thearter and ramble the whole movie about what this means, the what that "really meant subliminally". Just shut up and watch the movie. I swear dumb people think they're smart cause they can "analyze a movie". Sorry to burst your bubble, but your still and idiot.

Kimberly Rotter said...

Also, there "accents" were similar to the stereotypes of stupid black people....

Anonymous said...

That's not what i meant. I enjoy seeing a director's creativity come to life. It's the stupid people that sit there next to you in the movie thearter and ramble the whole movie about what this means, the what that "really meant subliminally". Just shut up and watch the movie. I swear dumb people think they're smart cause they can "analyze a movie". Sorry to burst your bubble, but your still and idiot.

Eric Gladstone said...

i dont know yet its where ever they say. but i leave to ft. benning georgia again in june for a couple months its a pain in the ass because its hot as hell there went up to 120 degrees plus with full body armor on and everything. heat sucks when i was there last june till end of august.. and i like silence of the lambs too. hanible rising i think it was called was great too it showed how he started and went back to germany in ww2 i belive and showed what traumatized him to eat people.

Kimberly Rotter said...

I once was in a scary movie, and someone next to me answered their phone and had a conversation! Those are the people I hate the most in theaters...

Unknown said...

To Save a Life is PG-13, shutter island i believe sadly was rated R... But To Save a life is a AMAZING movie...

Kimberly Rotter said...


Did you see Red Dragon? It was out third, but was a prequal to Silence of Lambs.

Wow, so, how many years are you enlisted? Going to college on the G.I. Bill?

Unknown said...

No the dumbest person I ever sat near in the movies was a guy who fell asleep during the movie and started snoring.

Anonymous said...

And since we're talking about scandals in movies and the Lion King. There's something i think everyone should look at. In the song where Scar is singing with the hyenas, he is sitting up on a cliff. But did anyone ever notice that the hyenas march past im in a style exactly like the Nazi soldiers did when the marched past Hitler?

Kimberly Rotter said...

Does anyone have a copy of To Save a Life? Maybe we can watch it in class.

Anonymous said...

People who take there phone out in movie theaters regret it if i see it! I cant stand them!

Unknown said...

A movie i like but was kinda disappointed in was Charlie St. Cloud i hoped it wud hav been better.

Unknown said...

I agree that isn't anything to get that mad over. The director went with the way the voice actors had taken the characters in the movie. So people shouldn't be saying the robots are racist.

Unknown said...

I can get a copy of To save Life!... and Taylor i liked Charlie St.Cloud

Kimberly Rotter said...

Barry, and guys,

There are many scandals in Disney movies. Does anyone know one in Alladan, Little Mermaid, and another one in The Lion King?

Unknown said...

Yes the oner in alladan is really funny.. my sister wrote a paper on the differnt scandles.

Kimberly Rotter said...


Can you tell the group, in an appropriate manner, what the scandal is? Do you know more?

Eric Gladstone said...

i dont know maybe i might go to college i recived alot of papers in the mail to different universities or whatever and im enlisted for 6 years so i have to see combat before my service is up and if im still healthy and well i will probably re enlist

Unknown said...

yeah the one in aladin where he is talking to the tiger, little mermaid is the cover of the older version and the priest.

Unknown said...

In the new Toy Story when Mr. Potatohead he loses his body and uses a cucumber for a body and he has a hat on but before they show it is him, it is just a black figure and he looks like, lets just say a part of a man...

Unknown said...

I liked Charlie St. Cloud but there were some parts that were boring and it was kinda disappointing but overall i still liked the movie

Kimberly Rotter said...

Disney cartoonists are known for placing an innappropriate sexual image or reference in the movie. I did not know that tradition continued...

Kimberly Rotter said...

Disney cartoonists are known for placing an innappropriate sexual image or reference in the movie. I did not know that tradition continued...

Kimberly Rotter said...

Never heard of Charlie St. Cloud. What is it about?

rebecca said...

yeah.. thats just how it is in disney movies. it never ends.

Anonymous said...

I know there's another one in the Lion King. When Simba flops down on the ground and all the dust, or what ever it is, flies up into the sky. If you pause it at just the right time it spell out SEX in the sky. And the one in The Little Mermaid is at the end when she's getting married. If you look closely the priest has an erection. Its pretty funny.

Unknown said...

alladan's orginal cover was remade because the casle pillars were in the shape of a male organ.

Unknown said...

in Aladdin instead of saying "good kitty donw" he says "good teenagers take off your clothes."

Anonymous said...


rebecca said...

i actually never knew about the one in toy sroty. althought i havent seen the new one, but ill keep that in mind

Unknown said...

Charlie St. Cloud is aout these two brothers that are really close but then the one brother dies

Anonymous said...

Inception anybody? Instant classic. Also, Taylor is in this class now which is pretty sweet.

Kimberly Rotter said...


I love Inception. For those who have not seen it, do you mind if the class blogs about that? It is such a deep movie.

Anonymous said...

I absoulutly LOVE all the disney movies like up, finding nemo, lion King, and all the princess ones. Also alot of the movies on the list don't interest me too much beacuse I'd rather watch something funny and stupid, but entertaining.

Unknown said...

Ian I have to agree that inception is great. It is very thought provoking. Can that really happen? You never know. It was a little confusing though so you have to pay close attention to every detail.

Anonymous said...

You should definetly show Inception in the class, it really is a good story, and the characters are really easy to relate to

Unknown said...

No, no, no… I mind I didn’t see it yet! I want to see it but I haven’t got the chance to get to the movies.

Kimberly Rotter said...

I love inception because it involves an unreliable point of view. Is the narrator crazy, deluded, sane? It really explores the theme of appearance and reality, and the unreliablity of appearances.

Sam said...

Inception was probably the best movie I've seen in a while, besides Lord of the Rings. It really was, and the entire time I was thinking about little signs and stuff in it. Like how we were doing with The Office.. I was thinking like that the entire time. Inception is absolutley amazing, I loved it.

Anonymous said...

I once saw this thing on youtube about all the times it said sex in the movie and it pionted it out. And I think it was about 200 times its was so weird.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, it's a movie you have to like see twice, though i never did.

Kimberly Rotter said...


How did you find the characters relatable?

Crawl out from under your rock and go see that movie!

Unknown said...

kaite,i agree,the classic disney movies are amazing, i admit i still watch them all the time.However, the new disney movies are terrible.

Stefi said...

Half baked is a really good movie. Although I watched it so many times I still find myself laughing everytime I watch it. I also like scary and funny movies.

Kimberly Rotter said...

Ok, so we have two interesting topics:

Old Disney vs New Disney: which is better and why?

Inception: What little plot details did you see that contributed to the movie's meaning?

Unknown said...

Oh and Katie I highly enjoy Disney movies as well.

Kimberly Rotter said...


I love half-baked. What is your favorite part?

Unknown said...

I think that to say all old movies are bad is a little narrowminded unless you've seen said movie and can actually discuss WHY it was bad. I agree with this list, I've seen a few of them. Older movies were much better crafted then films today; there was more time put into the plot and character developement, the lines were wuicker and wittier, and because you have to pay attention to them, they hold your interest longer.
Also, a lot of movies coming out today are based off of these classics. Disturbia, for example, was exactly like Alfred Hitchcock's Rear Window. Psyco, as a completely groundbreaking movie when it came out, has set the stage for horror movies everywhere.
To say that just because a movie is in black and white is a really narrow way to approach things, considering a lot of the movies coming out today were influenced so heavily by them.

Inception was freaking awesome btw :D

Also, I agree with what Barry said about people taking some movies too seriously. There are movies meant to make you think, and some that are made to amuse and entertain. People need to learn to tell the difference and stop being so arrogant about some things.

meghan said...

I saw inception at a movie theatre in Philly and the bathroom was stellar.

Unknown said...

Jamie i agree the classic disney movies are the best. I love love love Toy Story.

Kimberly Rotter said...


Finally one of you younin' repect the older films. They rock. Any you make an astute point in that many popular current movies are based on older movies (and books as well).

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

My favorite movie is probably Big Fish. I have yet to see a movie done by the Coen Brothers that I didn't think was awesome.
I also really like Pirate Radio and American Grafitti but like no one's ever seen those...

Anonymous said...

I think The old disney movies are just something we'll watch forever, but I think that pixar movies are the best out of them all.

Kimberly Rotter said...


Am I that old. I consider Toy STory current Disney. Old school disney for me is Lion King and all movies before that. What does everyone think?

Anonymous said...

I probably wouldn't have noticed all of the innappropriate things in the disney movies if they weren't pointed out. I haven't watched them since I was five, so I guess I wouldn't have thought about it that way anyway.

As for the list, it had alot of good classics on it, but it didn't have many newer movies, like 28 Days Later or Shaun of the Dead, because those are really good movies!

One of my favorites is Fight Club. It was based off a book written by Chuck Palahniuk, one of my favorite authors.

Unknown said...

The sound of music is my favorite movie. I enjoy singing along. It's a classic.

Anonymous said...

I think some new disney movies are ok, like UP, and Toy Stiry 3, but the rest are pretty bad.

Sam said...

I agree. The old Disney movies are absolutley awesome. The new ones really are bad.. I don't really know the difference.

Ms. Rotter,
I noticed that!! I remembered, while watching the movie, when we were talking in class about how someimtes the point of view is untrustworthy. Thinking like that helped me get through the movie a lot better then I expected. I don't usually like Leonardo DiCaprio too much but I thought he did pretty good in that movie.

meghan said...

If we are talking Disney Hercules is the way to go?

Unknown said...

Well, i feel that Toy Story is a classic because i watched it when I was young. I'm sure your classics differ from mine.

Anonymous said...

The 3rd toy story was so good i watched it the first day it came out and I cried at the end because it was so happy/sad.

Stefi said...

Mrs. Rotter,
To be honest I don't really have a favorite part in the movie because I enjoy the whole movie and I don't think I can choose only one part. I'm constantly laughing during the whole movie. What is your favorite part?

Anonymous said...

In Inception i thought that the top Leonado's wife gave him( without spoiling to much), was very very significant to the overall story.

Kimberly Rotter said...

Great Sam!


I love Shawn of the Dead. DO you know what it is a parady off???

I found the ending of 28 days later a cop out. What do you think?

Unknown said...

I liie Fight Club but I think that it's just too overrated, for lack of a better word. I've watched it a few times and it's a really good movie but I sort of feel like everyone so hyped up about it and rave on and on about how amazing it was that it just sort of loses something because of that.

Stephanie said...

I love the movie Grease. Best movie ever, I like singing along with it.

meghan said...

I was once told I am a movie conosouere.

Kimberly Rotter said...

Ian, You are right. For those who saw Inception, who was right? Leo or his wife? why do you think that?

Unknown said...

I'm not a big disney fan...

Anonymous said...

Megan your completly right thats a great movie.

Unknown said...

Wait wasn't Leonardo's character named Cobb?

Kimberly Rotter said...


Fight Club is based off of a book, and it is even better than the movie. Have you read it?

Anonymous said...

Inception was amazing. I actually saw Inception twice. The very first time, I kept getting confused because I didn't exactly follow whose dream they were in or whose information they were after. The second time, I saw things that I missed and listened to all of the characters conversations and it really cleared everything up. I would highly reccommend seeing this one twice.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha Meghan.

Kimberly Rotter said...


Can you tell Ginny the difference between the book and movie (Figh Club)?

meghan said...

Hot Fuzz anyone?

Unknown said...

im so excited for easy A to come out,it looks like a great movie!

Kimberly Rotter said...


All good books and films you need to see at least twice to get it.

Speaking of having to see a movie twice to understand it, hss anyone seen Memento?

Unknown said...

I haven't read the book but I want to at some point.
Arthur was toatz my favrotie Inception character, Cobb sort of irritated me a lot xP

Kimberly Rotter said...

We could organize a time to go see Easy A together, you know compare it to the Scarlet Letter. What do you guys think?

Unknown said...

HOT FUZZ FTW. Has anyoen seen I Love You, Man?

Anonymous said...

I still have to see inception. I keep meaning to but then i forget because I always forget to go to the movies.

Stefi said...

Jamie i completely agree! I also can't wait until Easy A comes out. I really want to see that movie.

meghan said...

Ginny has a point about the whole Fight Club jaune. Everyone builds it all up but it does take something away. But my friend did read the book and he told me that it is better then the film.

Anonymous said...

I want to see that movie too Jamie it looks so funny.

Unknown said...

YES! We really should go to see Easy A.

Unknown said...

taylor says toy story is a great movie and im pretty sure it unanamous!

Unknown said...

I think Easy A looks entertaining as long as you don't read to deep into it. Maybe not the kind of movie I would go see in theaters, but like when it comes out on dvd if I get the chance to rent it I would.

Stefi said...

YES! I would really enjoy it a lot if we all could go see Easy A together. I think that is a very good idea.

Unknown said...

YESSS!! ive been waiting months to see easy A. It would be so cool if we all went together.Field Trip!

Unknown said...

Haha but on the other hand a field trip to the movies sounds fun.

Anonymous said...

hey ginny what does FTW mean?

Anonymous said...

Some of the the best quoting movie I think are mean girls and kicking&screaming.

Unknown said...

We can see Easy A as a class field trip it would be an ubber fun time.

Kimberly Rotter said...

I would find Easy A interesting on what it shows about out society. Trust me when I say the two stories will be very different. But our societies are different. No one in the book (Puritan society) would ever voluntarily admit to having premarital sex, and an introduction of a gay character is very modern.

Kimberly Rotter said...

I will try to organize a trip, but I don't know if it will get approved. What is it rated?

Unknown said...

FTW means for the win. Like 'yaaaaay I agree with a lot of excitement'.

meghan said...

Can I attend this Easy A viewing?

Anonymous said...

I think pg13

Sam said...

I have no intention on ever seeing Easy A. It's just another high school movie. More then half the time, the events that take place in those kinds of movies normally wouldn't really happen in real life. I'm sick of all the high school teen drama movies out there.. I just won't go lol.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone seen the Hurt Locker?

Unknown said...

I think it's just rated pg-13.

Stefi said...

The movie is rated PG-13. But i really hope it gets approved!

Anonymous said...

haha megan

Kimberly Rotter said...


While you make a valid point that that plot would never happen in real life, most stories/books would not happen in real life. It makes people want to read it, because it is extraordinary.

Anonymous said...

Movies aren't always supost to be relistic they are supost to be entertaining.

Anonymous said...

Sam i think you have a negative atittude toward many things.

Anonymous said...

An Easy A field trip sounds good to me.

Kimberly Rotter said...

I will try to put it in for a field trip. When is it out? Where?

That means we would have to work through the Scarlet Letter pretty quickly...

meghan said...

If we are talking quotable movies you have it all wrong. Monty Python and the Holy Grail along with Hot Rod are have the best quotes around. Oh the goose noise from Hot Fuzz is irressistable.

Unknown said...

Sam, I agree so much with you, but I sort of like those kind of lame not realistic high school movies. They're easy to watch cause you don't have to think about it.

Kimberly Rotter said...


I love Monty Python. What is your favorite part?

Unknown said...

ian, the hurt locker was pretty interesting. Its not a movie i would watch for a second time though.

Unknown said...

I love Hot Rod. My favorite part is when he goes through all that 'legit's tuff then just turns around and gets hit by a car.

Stefi said...

Hot Rod is such a goood movie.

Unknown said...

I mean 'legit' stuff. This keyboard is hard to type on.

meghan said...

I dont think you want to get me started on that movie I could go on forever.

Kimberly Rotter said...

Please Meghan,

Anonymous said...

Jamie, yea it was just kind of cool how they did it. It won movie of the year last year, which is odd, did't think it was that good.

Anonymous said...

If movies were relistic people would die within 10 seconds of a shot out and the high school movies would be so boring. I mean our school could never be a movie because it would be boring.And I'd also like to pion out that most of the movies you probably like are unrealistic sam.

Anonymous said...

Jamie, yea it was just kind of cool how they did it. It won movie of the year last year, which is odd, did't think it was that good.

Anonymous said...


What part do you think is the cop out? The part when Hannnah backs up the car and the infected grabs Major Henry West and kills him, or the part where they make the HELLO sign, and they see the plane? I don't really understand.

I thought it was a good ending. I ended up watching the alternative ending too, where just Hannah and Selena survive, but it wasn't as good as the offical ending.

Also, I believe that Shaun of the Dead is a parody of Dawn of the Dead.

Sam said...

I see your point that most movies are unrealistic, but if it's not my taste then it's not my taste. I do not have a negative attitude towards "many things," I just don't have the same tastes as everyone else and there's nothing wrong with that.

meghan said...

well there is way too much good stuff in that movie to have a favorite but I love when Kevin is watching the movie on his computer and Johnson just keeps popping up and he looks really scared.

Kimberly Rotter said...


I mean the part of the movie where a character goes unconscious, wakes up 28 days later, and all the "zombies" are dying. Found it to be too neat of an ending...

Unknown said...

I enjoy everything that Meghan posts.

Unknown said...

yea it didnt deserve that.

Anonymous said...

This is Taylor, we should def see Easy A.

Kimberly Rotter said...

Great Sam,

Stick up for your opinions!

Unknown said...

taylor really likes movies in general.

Unknown said...

I like how Rod has to beat up Frank to get his appreoval.

Unknown said...

animal house

Unknown said...

Step brothers is the best movie.

Kimberly Rotter said...

Right on. That is a classic! What part do you find funniest?

Larry Hoover said...

One of my favorite movies would be american gangster. It is about Frank Lucas who is a druglord in rugged New York in tough times.

Kimberly Rotter said...


I didn't find that movie that funny. I don't know about everyone else, but I am sick of Will Ferrel playing the same role all the time!

Anonymous said...

I think the Readers picks is more accurate that the Critic's picks

Unknown said...

My favorite movie is I Am Legend with Will Smith i dont really like "Disney" movies. I Am Legend has Zombies in it as well..

Unknown said...

Step brothers is the best movie.

Kimberly Rotter said...


I agree as well. Sometimes critics can be to esoteric.

Pat, did you know that I am Legend is based off of a short story?

Unknown said...

Pretty much the whole movie is great, the end is always good too

sean said...


Unknown said...

One of my fav. movies is the Other Guys with Will Farrel as a cop tryin to break a big billion doller money case

Larry Hoover said...

the only disney movie that is legit worth conversation is Miracle

Kimberly Rotter said...


Does he play the same character? I liked him in Old School and his earlier films, and even the movie he plays an iceskater, but after that, he has been in too many movies playing the same role...

Unknown said...

No, what story is it based off of? and is it about basically the same thing?

Relax said...

Inception was probably mty favorite movie the story line ideas and a lot of different things seperate inception from any other movies

Kimberly Rotter said...


It is a short story of the same title, and no, the movie made some changes that make it worse. Do you want me to tell you about some?

Anonymous said...

one of my favorite movies had to be the Boondock saintsII. Good story can't wait till the second one.

Kimberly Rotter said...


I agree. I love the fact that it is an unreliable point of view. Makes it more interesting I think.

Kimberly Rotter said...


My other classes has sung the praise of the second one. I think its already out on DVD.

Unknown said...


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