

Junior Honors English: The Great Gatsby: read novel, writing marginal notes analyzing Fitzgerald's message/critiqe of the "American Dream"

Senior College Prep English: Raisin in the Sun essay due Tuesday, March 29th.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Best Movies

I have enjoyed the conversations we have had thus far; many of you have made thought-provoking comments, provided clever insights, started interesting tangents, or have inserted humor. Bravo, keep it up!

Next topic: movies. They have the ability to move us, enlighten us, or simply humor us. Whatever the reason we watch them constantly, but we all have favorites. Access the follow sight which lists its top 100 movies of all time:


Do you agree with this list? Why or why not? What would your top 3 movies be of all time? Why? What do you love about movies? Do you prefer comedy, action, or thriller? Are movies better than books? In all cases? Explain.


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Anonymous said...

I agree with some of the movies on that list from the critics, but I think the readers had better choices. The critics stay with the classics and the readers don't. They put things that are not just classics but things they like. My top three movies of all time would have to be Fight Club, Anchor Man, and Casino. But my favrite type of movies would have to be horror films. House of 1000 Corpses has to be another of my favorite movies.

Anonymous said...

I hate anything that has to do with disney because all there shows are rediculous and they are terriable actors.

Larry Hoover said...

Inception was a very good movie because it made you think and kept you on the rdge of your seat the whole movie

Kimberly Rotter said...

In the short story, the girl that comes to him is a vampire, a vampire that can be in the sun for a little bit. She is there to spy on Will because he is hurting them. These vampires are trying to set up a world, and the main character Will, is actually the bad one because he is killing them. Hence, he is a Legend, a boogeyman of sorts, for the new vampires. You should read the story. Really good and really short!

sean said...


Unknown said...

Another great movie is the water boy with Adam Sandler.

Anonymous said...

A movie I sa recently and was really dissapointed with the ending was Shutter Island, it went on very long for a bad ending in my opinion. My favorite scary movie would be the orphan.

Kimberly Rotter said...

I can't believe there are no commenst on the Disney scandal link!

Anonymous said...

new jersey drive is a good movie

Nancy Colotti said...

i agree with larry hoover

Kimberly Rotter said...

What is NJ drive about. I have never heard of it!

Anonymous said...

black people stealing cars

Unknown said...

My favorite disney movies are the Lion King and Finding Nemo. One of the movies I really want to see is Easy A. Lately alot of the movies that are in the theater seem boring to me, so I do not want to see any new movies as of, besides Easy A.

Scott LaPayover said...

I agree also with larry hoover and nancy colotti

Kimberly Rotter said...

Easy A is based of the book Scarlet Letter. Did you guys read that last year???

Kimberly Rotter said...

ANyone know about the Wizard of Oz scandal? The scandalous scene???

Anonymous said...

Unfortunatly the class I was in did have to read it..

Unknown said...

Yea we read it, it was very complicated there was alot to comprehend

Anonymous said...

yeh the midget getting hung

Unknown said...

Im hungry

Kimberly Rotter said...

Right, there is a scene that you supposedly can see a midget, who has hung himself, in th trees. Would be interested if anyone can find a link about it. There is also something similar in Three Men and a Baby, I think.

Duane Trowbridge said...

No i havent heard of the wizard of oz scandal. Wat is it?

Kimberly Rotter said...

Lunch is in 10 minutes. I think you guys can make it....

Betty White said...

No i didnt, but i did hear if you play the dark side of the moon in sync with the Wizard of Oz, it should sound like the soundtrack

Bill Beecher said...

I cant wait for lunch!

Kimberly Rotter said...

Yea, It is really cool. You start the CD at the third lion roar, and supposedly the music is perfect with the music. It ends around when the lion enters, and supposedly you start the music again, and it still works.

Mike Carp said...

ive heard about the wizard of oz scandal

will said...

FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD...General's chicken

Billy tubesock Graham said...

i want to try the cd thing

Joe Marshall said...

Five more mins till lunch.

Anonymous said...

Anybody see Pink floyd:The Wall? its such imagination and creativity along with a symbolistic storyline and just cool visuals and different scenes plus what was going on while the songs where playing

Anonymous said...


Jake Seagull said...


Unknown said...

I totally agree with Emily. The sound of music is a great classic. Its one of my favorite movies to watch.and Charlie St.Cloud was about a brother who takes his brother to his freoinds and on his way home a drunk driver runs a light and hits them, the younger brother is killed and the older brother survied. He promises his lil brother that he will meet him at the clearing everyday at dawn but when he meets this girl he starts forgetting about his lil brother. then he comes to relize that just maybe she isent who he thinks she is or just maybe she is just someone who needs his help...

Unknown said...

Favorite movie would definately be Remember the Titans.

Kimberly Rotter said...

I like sports movies in general. I find them very inspirational, maybe because I was an athlete.

Unknown said...

Remember the Titans is deffinately the best movie. And the Notebook and The Last Song. I went to the movies to see Inception and i didnt understand it at all. I like movies that make you think about what is going on and what will happen next but when its too confusing it ruins the purpose.

Kimberly Rotter said...

AHhhhh the notebook. I would like to know what the guys think about that one!

george said...

fast times at ridgemont high is one of the funniest movies . the highlander won the academy award for best movie ever made

Katie said...

I think if we had a field trip to go see Easy A that would be great, since it's based off of The Scarlet Letter it would be an "educational" field trip, since we could compare similarities between the book and the movie.

Unknown said...

My favorite movie of all time is Step Up, I could watch it over and over again all day every day. The Guardian and Eagle Eye are great movies too. I like watching movies with actors that I like to watch in them and I think thats why some movies are my favorites...becuase of the actors.

Iago said...

I really enjoyed the movie Inception. A lot of people say that it was really confusing but its one of those movies where you can't talk, you have to pay attention or you will miss out on a lot of important details to the movie. I enjoyed it because I love movies you have to think about and put clues together. Inception is a step above many other movies I have seen. My favorite movie is I Love You Man. This movie is hillarious. If anyone have never seen it I suggest you go home after this and watch it!

Unknown said...

My favorite movie of all time is Step Up, I could watch it over and over again all day every day. The Guardian and Eagle Eye are great movies too. I like watching movies with actors that I like to watch in them and I think thats why some movies are my favorites...becuase of the actors.

Unknown said...

we definately like the same movies. I loved the last song even though Miley Cyrus couldn't act. She made me want to stop watching every other minute.

Kimberly Rotter said...

Fast Times, another high school classic! I wonder what you guys think of movies based on high school: funny? unrealistic? thought-provoking?

Iago said...

I totally agree with Katie. I really want to see that movie and it would be very educational and just a fun time to bond (:

Kimberly Rotter said...

I will try my best on the Easy A fieldtrip, but can make no promises...

Unknown said...

I agree with Katie, we should have a field trip to see Easy A.

Unknown said...

Out of all the movies on the list Grease is my favorite. I also like the Lion King, it brings back childhood memories. I didn't know that the Lion King was based off of Shakespear's "Hamlet".

Katie said...

I didn't think The Last Song was that great, I'm not a fan of Miley Cyrus and I don't think she did a good job as an actress. But The Notebook is definitely one of my favorite movies.

Amelia said...

So much talk of Disney movies, they're the ultimate classic. Get him to the greek was an awesome movie, but I think Russel Brand is funny so maybe that's like 30% of it, but it was funny and I'd see it again. I also in terms of older movies thought Donnie Darko was pretty good, the twist at the end was good. And Dr Strangelove is probably one of the most quotable movies I've ever watched.

Kimberly Rotter said...

Lion King like Hamlet:

You have two uncles who kill their brothers to become king, and the king's son does not become king. Instead, he lives in guilt and the Uncle becomes king.

Most disney films are based off of other stories, but cleaned up. Do you guys no the actually stories of the little mermaid, or pocohontos, or the hunchback of Notre Dame???

Unknown said...

1. Hot Rod is the best movie ever. Meghan, don't you mean Richardson was popping up doing the dance...?! haha. I could quote that movie all day. Another great movie that you all should watch is Hard Ball. Its about a baseball team in the ghetto, but it is truly a great film. I also agree with The Breakfast Club and Dazed and Confused. Classiccccc.

Anonymous said...


Kimberly Rotter said...


Let's talk Doctor STrangelove...Such a classic. I would like to hear your opinion on it.

Amelia said...

I love you man is hilarious, I love Sydney's man-uggs

Unknown said...

The Boondock Saints definitely! They're both some of the best movies ever created because the story line is great and the violence is well thought out. Half Baked is absolutely hilarious. Step Brothers has the best movie lines ever created. The Goodfellas & Pulp Fiction because they are clearly classics. I love Transformers but that's just because I'm a dork like that. I prefer action based movies even though the chick flicks are cute and all. Love stories like P.S I Love You, Dear John, and the Notebook are clearly great. I can watch any scary movie, but not any stupid ones. My favorite types of movies are actually war based movies like Saving Private Ryan, Black Hawk Down and Pearl Harbor. I can really watch any movie.

Unknown said...

I don't know the actual story of the Little Mermaid, but that's my favorite Disney movie!

Katie said...

Fast Times at Ridgemont High and Dazed & Confused are some of my favorite highschool based movies. Today's high school movies aren't as interesting, such as High School Musical, which in my opinion is awful.

george said...

most of these movies ive never seen so i cant comment .

Kimberly Rotter said...

Here is the true story of the little mermaid:

Disney changes many things. Original stories are very violent usually.

Unknown said...

Am I the only person in the world who hasn't seen Inception? I heard it was good, and Leonardo DiCaprio is usually in really good movies. Has anyone seen The Departed? Or the Gilbert Grape movie? That came out before Titanic and he plays Johnny Depp's mentally disabled brother. It's fantastic but not for people who dislike depressing movies. Ms. Rotter wasn't I Am Legend based off the story of the same name? I think it was about vampires though.

Unknown said...

Cara we have good taste in movies :) and i dont really like Miley Cyrus as an actress either but the story line was good. And Ms. Rotter, i love movies/shows about high school because its fun to see things that we can actually relate to.

Zack said...

The hangover was one of the best movies. I thought it was hilarious.

Brittanee said...

i agree with alot of the movies people listed. But i think that alot of movies are all based on the same plot and it kind of gets old. And i agree with Barry that people that are always talking during a movie and try to act like they no so much about it is really annoying.

Kimberly Rotter said...


Well, what have YOU seen? What do you like?

Amelia said...

In the real little mermaid the girl dies at the end, Dr Strangelove was just good, I was mostly amused by all the parts where they were yelling about commies stealing their bodily fluids. And the parts where they're on the phone with the Russian and they're like "of course I like talking to you..."

george said...

i agree with katie

Kimberly Rotter said...

I am Legend is based off of a short story of the same name, but they made changes, and in my opinion, the movie is not as good as the story.

Iago said...

I didn't know that so many Disney movies were based off of other things. I also love the notebook, probably one of the best movies ever! One movie I recently watched was Killers. It was pretty funny but i mainly wanted to watch it because Katherine Heigl is my favorite actress. Grey's Anatomy is one of my favorite shows because she is in it.

Grace said...

I watch movies pretty often, but I like books SO, SO, SO much more. I would have to say that my favorite Movies would be High Fidelity, American Beauty, The Assasination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, Into the Wild, Revolutionary Road, Scotland, P.A. and I would have to throw in Zeitgeist, though I have only seen it once and I will never watch it again but it freaked me out big time.
I remember watching Dr. Strangelove with Amelia, now granted I didn't see all of it because I feel asleep for about an hour due to it being the summer and all, but from what I saw of it, it tickled my funny bone.

Kimberly Rotter said...

Dr. STangelove revolutionalized comedy. It was the first "dark" comedy, and reflects perfectly the terrow and paranio of that time period, the cold war era.

Unknown said...

I LOVE p.s. i love you. Seriously i watched it like a thousand times.

Anonymous said...

Anyone ever see the Boy in the Striped Pajamas?
I cried for seriously an hour after the movie.

george said...

the shawshank redemption is probably my favorite movie . along with braveheart. and movies like the hangover

Anonymous said...

Anyone ever see the Boy in the Striped Pajamas?
I cried for seriously an hour after the movie.

Anonymous said...

so has anyone else notice since pixar got bought out by disney pixar movies arent as good

Grace said...

No Val, you are not the only person who hasn't seen it. And I don't think I will ever see it if I plan on sleeping and keeping my general sanity for a decent period of time.

Kimberly Rotter said...

Good movies: Braveheart, Shawshank Redemption, American Beauty, the Departed...

Unknown said...

Well said Katie. High School Musical sucks. Why were there two more?

Kimberly Rotter said...

When did Pixar and Disney split? I liked Up. Was Pixar involved?

Maria said...

Alot of movies on this list are classics, which is a good thing. There are many movies made each year that are really good for different reasons (emotion, humor etc). Not every good movie could be included on one list. I like the classics that were included on this list like, West Side Story, Gone With the Wind, The Wizard of Oz, and others. Of course, alot of people like the Godfather movies too. It would be nice to see the top movies in each different category, like the top 20 horror, comedy, romance, and adventure movies of all time.

Unknown said...

The boy in striped pajamas is SO sad, I cried too. I also like I am Legend and I didn't know it was based off of a story. The Hangover is hilarious and I've seen it so many times, I love that movie.

Unknown said...

Hott Fuzz. hahahahhahahahahhah

Anonymous said...

anything with Will Ferrell is a great movie

Iago said...


I 100% agree with you that all movies now adays have the same plot line as eachother. It gets annoying when you watch a movie and it is exactly like another movie you have watched before. Zack the hangover is one of the funniest movies I've ever seen. No matter how many times I watch it I still laugh at the stupid little jokes. And yes Amelia Sydney's man-uggs are pretty awesome!

Kimberly Rotter said...

I don't know. Will Ferrel seems to me to be a one joke comedian now...

Grace said...

Oh and Milk, I cried during Milk, and Philadelphia...

Zack said...

i agree with sam i thought I am Legend was a good movie. I just didnt like how it ended.

Iago said...

Ms Rotter under what category is Shawshank? It sounds interesting but I've never actually heard of it I don't think.

Unknown said...

True Kevin. Also anything with Seth Rogen.

george said...

will ferrell is hilarious , he has many jokes , idk what u mean

Maria said...

I'm also liking the "Easy A" fieldtrip idea.. :)

Zack said...

I do the same thing i think it gets funnier every time i watch the hangover.

Unknown said...

I only like High School Musical because Zac Efron's in it and I LOVE him<3

Kimberly Rotter said...


You might like the short stories ending a lot better. The movie completely changed it, for the worse in my opinion.


Cried at the ending of Milk too!

Unknown said...

I'm obsessed with Shia LaBeouf so whatever he is in, I like that movie no matter what.

Kimberly Rotter said...



Let me know what you think.

Unknown said...

In response to all the zombie posts, I just have to say that I LOVE zombie movies, especially Resident Evil. Although I really enjoyed 28 Days Later, I too agree that the ending was too, like, nice or somehing. 28 Weeks Later, the sequel, is an atrocity.

Unknown said...

Is a great movie.

Zack said...

Yeah i just hate how he dies at the end and she just gets to the colony and it ends.

Kimberly Rotter said...

Julia, What is Disturbia about?

Maria said...

I cry during movies all the time. Someone mentioned the Notebook, I cry every single time i watch it, along with The Titanic, and Marlee and Me. Although I have seen these movies multiple times and I already know what is going to happen, I still cry.

Unknown said...

The Blind Side was an excellent movie.

Unknown said...

Do you like Zombieland?

Unknown said...

http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0486822/ - disturbia

Brittanee said...

i agree with kevin and george will ferrell is hialrious, i love almost all of his movies. But high school musical and stuff like that are stupid movies. The singing and stuff just got really annoying.

Anonymous said...

Ms Rotter,

they didnt split disney bought pixar in january 06'

Unknown said...


Disturbia is a GREAT movie.
Shia LaBeouf.

Anonymous said...

Ms Rotter,

they didnt split disney bought pixar in january 06'

Katie said...

The Blind Side was such a cute movie. Sandra Bullock was really good in that movie

Unknown said...

BROOKE: I dont know about you but seriously I cried the first time I watched that, Im such a baby when it comes to heartbreakers in movies and I have no idea why.. but I can sit there and watch people being grossly gutted, but love stories kill me.

Unknown said...

Ms. Rotter,
Disturbia is a movie about a teen living under house arrest and he becomes convinced his neighbor is a serial killer.

Kimberly Rotter said...


Disturbia seems like Hitchcock's Rear View Mirror. Any connection?

Unknown said...

Shia LaBeouf <33

Amelia said...

V for Vendetta is a pretty decent movie,

Grace said...

I liked the Movie Bottle Shock, that was pretty good movie. Anything with Alan Rickman in it is good.
I also liked Sideways, Sideways was good.

Unknown said...

I can't stand Will Ferrell, he's so annoying. The only movie of his that I like is Elf.

george said...

idk how the green mile didnt get on the list . one of my personal favorites

Unknown said...

I cried toooo! It was sad when you just found out he died im in love with him so i wanted thim to be in the whole movie. BUt you could still hear his accent and he came on a few times so it was good :)

Kimberly Rotter said...

I like V for Vendetta too. Always want to teach in in conjunction to 1984. Do you think that is a good idea?

Grace said...

Oh, and Pink Floyd's The Wall.

Unknown said...

I love to cry during movies, you know it was a well made movie if it can make you cry like My Sister's Keeper.

Iago said...

The Blind Side is a great movie KATIE & REBECCA. It was so cute and I really liked Sandra Bullock also. <3

Unknown said...

Kevin, will ferrell is hilarious. I love kicking and screaming, and step brothers. He just makes it so funny.

Anonymous said...

yeah seth rogen in pineapple express is his best movie

Unknown said...

I also love the movie A Walk to Remember

Grace said...

The Green Miles was sad sad.

Katie said...

The Green Mile is so good too!

Unknown said...

I also love the movie A Walk to Remember

Kimberly Rotter said...

Sticking up for books, you know my Sister's Keeper was a book, right?

Unknown said...

Ms. Rotter,
I've never seen it, but Disturbia was based off of another movie so that is most likely it.

Zack said...

The Green Mile is one of my favorites too.

Unknown said...

Brooke! He has the BEST voice.. i want, i want, i want. And especially when he was reading all the letters.. mmmmmm brought a tear to my eye especially in the end.

Kimberly Rotter said...

Julia, Then if you like Disurbia, I HIGHLY recommend rear view mirrow. Such a classic!

Unknown said...

I havent seen Marlee and Me yet..everyone who saw it said they cried and i always cry during movies so it would probably be bad.

Amelia said...

D: I think teaching it with 1984 would sortof kill it, 1984 was good but I feel like because it was a book we read in school it was too drilled in and it taints everything we compare it to.

Iago said...

My Sister's Keeper was such a sad movie!I thought it had a very good message though

Unknown said...

I agree with Kevin.

Unknown said...

My sister's keeper and letters to god are like the same kind of movie. they are soo sad.

Unknown said...

Yes, Julia, I do like Zombieland. However I was surprised to find that it wasn't as comedic as I thought it would be. Still, I like it.

Unknown said...


I couldn't find it where he is just a shadow but that's potato head looking like male parts just saying. :)

Mrs Gainer said...

lets blog it up

PJ said...

twilight most pointless worst movie ever made

Kimberly Rotter said...

I agree that Twilight was a bad movie. I couldn't even finish it. I found it totally unrealistic, and I am not talking about the vampire part...

mudbone said...

my favorite movie is monsters inc.

Anonymous said...

The acting was really bad in Twilight

Kimberly Rotter said...

Monsters, Inc. was such a cute, smart movie. Disney right?

Mudbone said...

someone should put the wizard of oz midget up

mudbone said...

yes i beleive it was and sully was my favorite character

Kimberly Rotter said...

I think I am a bit too cynical to like Twilight, to believe that a guy that you just met, would protect a girl that way. I also don't believe in falling in love that quickly. Any commenst? Love at first sight?? Are there believers out there?

Kimberly Rotter said...


Then say something interesting. You are boring us too :)

Sr. Ali said...

Any pink floyd the wall movie lovers?

Unknown said...

I like the movie Water boy with Adam Sandler hes one of my favorite actors

Larry Hoover said...

all the twilight movies are the same concept and theyre for prissy lil girls who love cute dudes

Kimberly Rotter said...

I like Pink Floyd the wall. Is that song about education on it?

Kimberly Rotter said...

Yes, Twilight movies are chick flicks, but there are some lousy guy films out there too. Girls, any comments about bad "guy" Movies?

Larry Hoover said...

we dont need no education

Ricky Ross said...

i hate twilight with a passion idk im just not into that kind of stuff.

Kimberly Rotter said...

Yes, Education is thought control.....

Kimberly Rotter said...

Doesn't someone have somthing to post about the Wizard of Oz....

Tupac said...

Anybody like Adam Sandler? or is it just me?lol

Kimberly Rotter said...

I LIKED Adam Schandler. Unfortunately, I find that he plays the same character over and over now, so I am board with him. You know, the goofy, stupid, but loveable guy. I wish he would try something different.

Larry Hoover said...

supersize me

Anonymous said...

I think Twilight is a cute story, but there's so many things wrong with the way Stepenie Meyer see's vampires. They can go out in the sunlight, they sparkle, which is just ridiculous, and they just don't fit what a vampire really is. And the fact that they are vegetarian vampires, like that is just dumb.

Sturgehawk said...

teacher leave those kids alone

Larry Hoover said...

Tupac? your back???

Donna Covely said...

I think twilight is one of the worst movies ever. I dont even know how it s so famous.

Kimberly Rotter said...

Supersize me! Great documentary. HAs anyone else seen it???

Kimberly Rotter said...


Do you guys hate education? Thought control?????

Larry Hoover said...

yea we were just watching it in my health class, it made me so hungry

Caroline Ali said...

mrs gainer talking so loud

Kimberly Rotter said...

Supersize made you hungry! It made me never want to eat fast food again.....

Anonymous said...

I disagree I think Adam Sandler plays a funny role in most of his movies. Some movies he was in were'nt the best, like Funny People. But other than that he does his "goofy" role well, I think he pulls it off.

Teflon Don said...

Yeah i know adam sandler plays the same guy over and over again

Anonymous said...


Jared Fogul said...

no not when you didnt eat breakfast... im actually going to mcdonalds after this

swamp monster said...

Favorite music movies?

paige pfefferle said...

i like superhigh me

Kimberly Rotter said...

Yea, but name a film Adam was in RECENTLY that he was good in. The golden age was Happy Gilmore and the one where he has to go to school again. Oh, and Big Daddy, movies that are like 10 years old...

Kimberly Rotter said...


Tell your health teacher that...guys you missed the point of the documentary. It shoudl encourage you NOT to eat junk food.

Kevin Watson said...

I love the american pie series

Bill Beecher said...

Twilight isnt a good movie at all

Kimberly Rotter said...


This is what movie is really about...

Kimberly Rotter said...

Yea, Kevin Watson finally makes an appearance in my class :)

Jeezy said...

Meet the Parents

Kimberly Rotter said...

Who was in Meet the Parents?

Anonymous said...

Yeah but that doesnt mean he's a bad actor. He was in good movies but he just drifted a little, he probably has a ton of money, so I guess it doesnt matter to him now anyway. And Grown-ups I think was a pretty funny movie.

Birdman Kawww! said...

Meet the parents is alright

Mrs. Gainer said...

Matty Magooooooo

Kimberly Rotter said...

Did not see that movie. I get it, Adam was good, but I think he is past his prime. Who do you guys think is the funniest actor/actress NOW.

Anonymous said...

Ben Stiller, for Meet the Parents. He was the main character, he has to meet his girlfriends parents. And Robert Deniro was in it as well

Colleen Devine said...

i like adam sandler

Anonymous said...

Come on guys, was there a conversation about Disney without Mulan? I mean, it's not really 'Old' disney movies, but it's got an amusing story with an awesome soundtrack. Granted, I think just about every disney movie made before 2000 was good. And, well, they were.

Come on guys, I think we all know where this is going.
Where did the idea of sparkling vampires even come from?
'Hurr I want to appeal to 14 year old girls' is the obvious thought process going on here.

And then there's twilight moms. If there were a bunch of fourty year old guys screaming for Bella, they'd be arrested. The entire thing is sdrawkcab-ssa.

Larry Hoover said...

Seth Rogan

Kimberly Rotter said...

I actually didn't like Meet the Parents. I don't lke "humilation" humor, humor from people suffering. I am too empathetic I guess.

Anonymous said...

I saw Supersize Me when I was in seventh grade and it was disgusting. I don't understand how people eat that all the time. The CEO of McDonalds said that he eats there atleast once a day every single day and he has eaten everything that's on the menu. When he said that it made me want to vomit.

Anonymous said...

The Ace Ventura movies were really funny.

Kimberly Rotter said...

Supersize me:

Fast food restuarants make food that is physically addicting. It's like ciggarettes. They make food to get you addicted, and it is horrible for you.

Tyler Kulka said...

Bevis and Butthead do America

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